So...honestly speaking, I have found it difficult keeping up with everything during lockdown.
I have always been the person spinning what feels like a million plates. Maybe 2 million.
You would have thought that it would have slowed down during lockdown right?
Nah! So please bear with me and the sporadic posts...
This short and sweet post was actually supposed to be long and sweeter, and published in April; an excited post in which I would blab on about the run up to the [would be] upcoming BodyPower Experience (also known as BodyPower Expo). But we all know what happened there...
So with the wind knocked out of me, I really didn’t know what to write.
April and May is ALL about the build up to the BodyPower Experience; but this year I didn’t even want to talk about it. I couldn’t even write about it at the time.
Now that I’ve pulled myself together, I can talk about it, as it has been postponed rather than cancelled. Yes you heard me (those who are also recovering from the winding) - it is now scheduled to take place October 30th - November 1st 2020 *

What is BodyPower Expo?
So what is all the woo-haah all about? BodyPower Experience is not only a fitness expo - it’s the UK’s BIGGEST fitness expo. It’s the one that manages to cram in excess of 300 exhibitor stands all under one roof. Comfortably.
It’s the go to place to try out new fitness equipment, sample top products, compete, get freebies, meet athletes, get premium products at discounted prices, the list goes on...
What really makes the day is the buzz and excitement of being amongst over 90000 like-minded enthusiasts not only for fun but also informative seminars from industry experts.
And no I am not in receipt of commission for writing about it - I actually do love it.
I’m not sure how social distancing will impact it, but that’s one for the day of.
Why am I interested in it?
What is it about BodyPower Experience that’s compelled me to write about it?
Aside from rubbing shoulders with and getting tips from lifting legends, discounts on sports nutrition and equipment (many of which you won’t find in shops), on the fly competitions (think tricep dip challenges, squat challenges and crazy on the fly tasks) - BodyPower Expo is a flippin good time!
I have wanted to compete ever since I tripped and fell into Powerlifting.
Ok so that’s a lie - I can’t pinpoint when I decided but it sounded good to say that I wanted to ever since I started.
Ever since I heard about BodyPower Experience (from a lovely lass who I met at work), and looked up the competing side of it, I have been in love with the idea of competing there.
I have been my only barrier to doing so - I was too busy trying to increase my top lifts to compare with the lifts of those who were already competing. That was until my valued lifting mentors re-routed my attention away from comparing myself to other lifters, to being the best that I can be, and just going for it.
So I decided that I would compete at BodyPower Experience 2020 - made a training plan and then...fractured my wrist boxing (and I don't even flippin' box)!
So competing is currently deferred pending regular training resuming again.
Then came lockdown and the inability to train (to the level that I need to).
Realistically, I’ll be attending 2020 as a spectator.
So what now?
In the meantime I'll attend as a spectator. I’ll go to the postponed event (if safe to do so) and take notes.
Then once I can Powerlift again (i.e. when gyms are a thing again) I can put a training plan in place to get my mojo back.
Then jfdi (the ‘i’ being ‘compete’). In any competition. BodyPower Experience will come in due time.
When an opportunity arises, I need to jump on it. Rather than spending time obsessing on the details, I’ll just do it.
That aside, watch this space. If the event does go ahead as planned, there may be a follow up from yours truly.
Random-ish link time
On the subject of lifting, for today’s random-ish link I have chosen to take some time out to appreciate some of history’s strongest lifters. You never know, there may be some future contenders for this list at the next BodyPower Experience. Check them out here.
Keep up with my selfie shenanigans on my modelling profile on Insta: @althie_model
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*Since the time of writing, the event has been postponed to May 2021
About the author [that would be me]:
I am a Senior Project Manager by day; by night (aka any other time), you can find me lifting heavy metal things (aka powerlifting), threatening to dust off my belt in the name of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (I will make myself re-worthy of my blue belt), or finding ways to get in front of a camera and labelling it as modelling in some way shape or form.
I put this blog together as an add-on to my modelling portfolio, and it reminded me of how much I love to write. I will continue to write as my model portfolio grows, just so that you can get to know the real me x
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